Department of Languages
Department Management Science
Department of Commerce
Department of
Social Science
Department of
Physical Education

Mr. Sheshagiri Bhat, M.A.
Lecturer in Hindi
26 years Work Experience as lecturer in Hindi. Attended 20 National Level conferences, 10 State Level Seminars, 15 University Level Seminars.
Mobile: 9483926444 Email:
Mr. Naveen Kumar, M.A, NET
Lecturer in Kannada
22 years Work Experience as lecturer in Kannada. Attended 15 National Level conferences, 11 State Level Seminar, 20 University Level Seminar.
Mobile:9964280101 Email:
Lecturer in English
21 years Work Experience as lecturer in English.
Mob : 8861988941Email
Department of Humanities

Dr. G. Robert Clive, M.A.(S.W.), MBA, PGDGC
Principal and Associate Professor, Department of Rural DevelopmentHonoured with the “Teacher Excellence Award” by Royal Rotary Brahmavar Udupi Organized three UGC sponsored National level Conferences
- Organized a 2 days’ workshop on Life skills in association with Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, Sriperumbudur
- Organized 10 workshops on Soft Skills
- Organized 7 residential camps for students as NSS programme officer Has attended more than 120 conferences and seminars/Webinars
- Presented 42 Papers in National and International Conferences
- Published 18 research Papers
- Prepared Study material for the distance education courses of RGNIYD, Sriperumbudur Books Published with ISBN
- Co-authored 4 books on Microfinance, Women Empowerment and Rural Development
- Edited 2 books on Life skills and Soft skills Membership
- Member of Board of Studies and Board of Examination of Mangalore University,Tumkur University and Roshni Nilaya, Mangalore and SDM College, Ujire
- Member , Board of Examiner of Ph.D of Thiruvalluvar University, Vellore and Bharthiar University, Coimbatore
- Member, Managing Committee, Little Rock Indian School , Brahmavar
- Member, Internal Quality Assurance Cell, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal University
- Member of Editorial Board of the ISSN journal “ New Frontiers in Education” published from New Delhi
- Panel of resource persons for courses conducted by UGCHRDC, Kerala University
Research Experience
- Ph. D thesis on NGOs and Women Empowerment Strategies – A Case Study of an NGO in Tamil Nadu
- UGC sponsored Minor Research Project on Self Help Groups and Women Empowerment – A Comparative Study of Self Help Groups promoted by Government and Non-Governmental Organizations in Karnataka
- UGC sponsored Minor Research Project on A comparative study on the working of two microinsurance schemes in Karnataka
- Research coordinator for a Major Research Project of RGNIYD on Employability Skills

Mrs. Saritha, M.A. B. Ed, KSET
Lecturer in Sociology
15 years of work experience. Attended 08 International conferences, 18 National Level conferences, 05 National Webinar, 01 Paper Presented.
Mobile: +91 9663090378
Mrs. Smitha Maipadi, M.A. B. Ed
Lecturer in Rural Development
13 years of Work Experience. Attended 02 International conferences, 04 National Level conferences, 11 National Webinar, 03 International Webinar, 2 University Level Conferences and 02 Paper Presented in International Conferences.
Mobile: +91 9743013272Email:

Mrs. Mamatha, M.A.
Lecturer in Political science.
14 years of Work Experience. Member of BOS Mangalore University. Attended 06 International conferences, 15 National Level conferences, 19 National and International Webinar, 01 Paper Presented, 01 Paper Publication.
Mobile: +91 9902179895Email:

Mrs. Jyothi, M.A.
Lecturer in History
11 years of Working Experience. Attended 10 National Level conferences,18 International Webinar, 01 Paper Presented.
Ms. Manjushree, M.A.
Lecturer in History
3 year of Work experience
Mobile: +91 6362064063Email:
Department of Management

Mrs. Deepa Kittur, M.A., MBA, PGDHRM
12 Years of teaching Experience in Business Management and Commerce
Research: Pursuing PhD. Title: The Impact of Job Enrichment on Work-Life Balance.
Publications: 6 publications
Conference Attended: 15 Seminars Attended: 10 Workshops Attended: 5 Subjects Handled : Business Management, Modern Management, Marketing Management, Strategic Management, Research Methodology, Entrepreneurship, Financial Management, Auditing. Project Guidance.
Additional Responsibilities: BOE Member (2 terms) BOE chairperson (1 term), BOS member (1 term) Lecturer- in-Charge for Art and Literary Association. Assisted for Lecturer- in-Charge for Women’s Fouram, NSS Camp, BOE Chairperson, BOS Member
Mobile:+91 9900581602Email:

Mrs. Ashwini, M.Com, KSET
Lecturer in Secretarial Practice
6 Years of working experience as a lecturer in Commerce and Six months experience in Corporate. Attended 04 National Webinar, 02 National Conferences and several Workshops.
Mobile: 8296145923Email Id: monadevadiga77@gmail

Mrs. Supreetha, M.Com
Lecturer in Secretarial Practice
10 years of Work Experience. Attended 01 State Level conferences, 02 National Webinar, 01 Paper Presented. 01 University Level Conference.

Mrs. Roopa, M. Com, B.Ed
Lecturer in Secretarial Practice
3 years of working experience in Business Management. Attended 01 International Level conferences and 01 University Level Conferences.
Mob: 9901649684Email:
Department of BCA

Mrs. Maithily Billadi, Mtech, BE
Lecturer in BCA
2 years of working experience in a IT Sector
Phone: 9035592608Email:

Mrs. J. Annalisha,, B.Ed, M.phil (Mathematics)
Lecturer in Mathematics9 years of working experience as a lecturer
Department of Commerce

Mr. Sukumara Shettigar, M.Com, MBA
Lecturer in Commerce
15 Years of teaching experience in Commerce. Attended 01 State Level conferences, 01Inter national Webinar, 01 National level E-Quiz and 11 Workshop.
Training : NSS- EMPANELLED 7 days training course for NSS programme officers
Freedom of student youth on the occasion of independence Amrithotsava instructor training

Mr. Chiranjan K Sherigar, M. Com., MBA. B.Ed., KSET
Lecturer in Commerce
10 years of teaching experience in Commerce Has participated in more than 60 National level and International level seminars and conferences and presented 27 papers at International, National and State level conferences.
Phone : 9902959249Email :

Ms. Sumithra, M.Com, B.Ed
Lecturer in Commerce
8 Years of teaching experience in Commerce. Attended 02 National Level conferences, 01 University Level Conference.
Mob: 9740304003Email:

Mrs. Poornima, M. Com
Lecturer in Commerce
8 Years of teaching experience in Commerce. Attended 01 Seminar and 07 Workshops, and 02 Webinars
Mob : 7760533303Email :
Department of Physical Education

Mr. K. Biju Jacob, B.A., M.P.Ed. MPhil
Physical Education Director
32 years of academic experience. Attended 2 International, 4 National, 6 State and 13 University Level Conferences. Presented papers in one International and two National Conferences. Coach cum Manager of Mangalore University football team for a number of years.
Mobile: 944891104Email: